Candle Maintenance

To make sure you are treating your Candle with the love it deserves, simply follow the tips below. This will ensure you get the best life and clean flame each burn.


Always trim your wick before every use,by giving your wick a small trim will ensure you get a clean flame and prevent that burning smell. It may even eliminate the black smoke ring from developing on the inside of your Candle Jar. If not trimmed often enough it can leave the wick end with a "Flared" look.


When putting your candles throughout your home/office. a few important things to remember are.. Soy Candles or Candles in general are sensitive to light and temperature. To avoid them cracking or discoloring, they are best kept out of direct sunlight and fluorescent lights. It is also important to regularly wipe down any dust that may have built up in between use, in case of any airborne particals that could potentially expand the flame when lit.


- Please keep your Candles off the floor and out reach of children and pets

- Make sure you put out your Candle before leaving it unattended

- Do not touch the flame when your candle is lit